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Article: Housing Choices for Persons with Disabilities

Housing Choices for Persons with Disabilities

Table of Contents
  1. Housing Choices for Persons with Disabilities

Residential options for persons with disabilities vary from home ownership and renting to specialized residential facilities. Options that will provide for the most independence without sacrificing safety are always best.


Often persons with disabilities who need more support can still be very independent in an assisted or supported living facility. These homes provide staffing to assist individuals in essential activities such as shopping, bill paying, bathing, and meal preparation. The services provided in these residential facilities vary from agency to agency, so it is important to research each option before making a decision. These specialized homes also typically have waiting lists, so advance planning always makes the transition easier and can help to avoid a housing crisis.


Modifications to a home can make the difference between one that does not meet a person's needs to one that provides complete independence. Not all modifications are costly although major modifications may require you to get a loan. Several federal programs can help you finance these modifications.


City and County of Honolulu
The City and County of Honolulu has a comprehensive listing of organizations that provide residential facilities for people with disabilities throughout Hawai`i, including government organizations that recruit, license, or certify residential homes in the community for people with disabilities; as well as private-for-profit and other nonprofit agencies that operate residential facilities and programs for person with disabilities.


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
HUD provides a discussion on fair housing and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities living in federal housing in this section of their website. It also links to two important programs to help with home modifications, Property Improvement Loans (Title 1) and Rehabilitation Loans (Section 203 (k)).


Disability Resources, Inc.
Disability Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people with disabilities live, learn, love, work and play independently. This section of their website provides multiple resources to persons seeking accessible housing.

Last Updated on 9/21/2017