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Article: Guide To Civil Rights

Emergency Laws

Table of Contents
  1. Advocacy
  2. Policies and Initiatives
  3. Elder Rights
  4. Education Rights
  5. Employment Rights
  6. Healthcare Rights
  7. Housing Rights
  8. Transportation Rights
  9. Communication Rights
  10. Consumer Protection Rights
  11. Civil Rights Organizations
  12. Civil Rights Publications
  13. Civil Rights Protections
  14. Emergency Laws
  15. Community-Based Laws and Legislation

Americans with Disabilities Act and Law Enforcement
Americans with Disabilities Act and Accessible Egress
Emergency Information: Television Access for People with Hearing Disabilities

Emergency laws are in place to ensure Americans are protected in case of a disaster or emergency. However, older laws and policies often did not account for the needs of people with disabilities and the elderly. More recent laws have made some impact in this area. The links below will help you understand some of the laws related to emergencies and laws related to people with disabilities and the implications for organizations and individuals.

Americans with Disabilities Act and Law Enforcement
This website talks about how the Americans with Disabilities Act affects law enforcement. It also discusses the most common problems between people with disabilities and law enforcement.

Americans with Disabilities Act and Accessible Egress
This website acts as a resource for:

  • Emergency evacuation and disaster preparedness
  • Evacuation planning and assistive products
  • Fire risks

Access to Emergency Information on Television
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has listed requirements and policies related to accessibility of public broadcast of emergency information.

Last Updated on 1/22/2016